We don't want war, we don't provoke war says Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey

English News 23.02.2022 12:32:55 0
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Ukraine's Ambassador to Ankara Vasyl Bodnar said that they do not want war and they are making efforts to prevent war. Bodnar stated that Russia doesn’t have enough opportunities to launch an all-out attack and that they are prepared for the worst scenario.
Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Bodnar made statements about Russia's decision in Donetsk and Luhansk at the press conference he held at the embassy. Ambassador Bodnar said that Russia has sent its troops to the region, thereby wants officially fixing the occupation of part of Ukraine's territory. “The greatest risk of escalation is in parts of the currently occupied Donetsk and Luhansk areas. Ukraine reaffirms its commitment to diplomacy in resolving this conflict with Russia. We welcome the sanctions against Russia. We hope that these sanctions will be strengthened as Russian aggression escalates. In this context, the sanctions of the European Union against the Russian deputies who voted in the parliament for the recognition of the sovereign territory of Ukraine by the Russian Parliament are extremely positive. I am sure that other states should consider such sanctions against the aggressor Russia” said Bodnar in the press conference.
“I would like to emphasize again that; we do not want war, we do not provoke war. We make every effort to prevent war. I'm also sure that the stronger the Ukrainian army, the less likely Russia is to attack. Therefore, in this context, it is important to provide military equipment and all kinds of support to Ukraine. Another important issue is ensuring financial stability in Ukraine. In this context, it is important for us to support the stabilization fund because Ukraine should not be attacked by cyber attacks. If we are talking about the peaceful option, then sanctions are the last way. Sanctions are of course effective, but not everyone abides by them. If we look at our history, we now see the strongest support for Ukraine from the international community. In this way, only sanctions are not effective. Ukraine's defense capabilities should also be strengthened. Then we find a solution to the security problem. Ukraine is the only country to oppose Russian aggression in an armed way” said Ambassador Bodnar, emphasizing that both the Ukrainian army and its people are ready to defend their country.
Ambassador Bodnar spoke as follows regarding the demands put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin's statement:
'I think you've all heard the demands put forward by Putin. Frankly, the meeting of the Russian Security Council is similar to 1978, just like the decision to go to Afghanistan there, you already know the historical consequences. Also, the idea of ​​attacking Ukraine and war is among Russian society is not common. I don't rule out the possibility, maybe one day the current Russian people will judge the government that fueled these events. You shouldn't especially forgive this. The best answer to this is the best way to stop the aggressor; to ensure the security of the European continent. The best answer to this is Ukraine's admission to NATO. I urge you not to believe Russia's words that 'We are back to the era of the Cold War.' It encourages Russian aggression towards various countries unless there is a general solution. This aggression against Europe will continue. You can be sure that Ukraine will abide by these responsibilities and obligations. Of course, I invite our international partners to act accordingly in relation to Ukraine. The phrase 'The world is bigger than 5' in the time of Mr. Erdogan is more relevant now than ever in Ukraine.'
“If the said sanctions had started to be implemented in 2014; we would be very happy. Some western countries are trying to establish business relations with Russia as if it were normal. We support Mr. Erdogan's mediation offers. Mr. Erdogan also has good relations with the Russian side. We believe that if we continue on the diplomatic path we have proposed, it will solve the current problem with Russia. The war will hurt everyone, including Turkey because Turkey has trade relations with both Ukraine and Russia. If such a military activity is revived or escalated in the region, it will harm the economy and security situation in the region. The important thing here is that peace prevails and that we look at each other with dialogue, not with a gunshot” said Ambassador Bodnar.
We are open to any negotiation format, including ADF. Our party has announced the preparation in question both formally and informally. As you now know, Putin is the one who only has the key to peace. It is also his decision to expand armed aggression or return to the negotiating table. We can expect anything from the Russian side. According to our research, they do not have enough opportunities to launch an all-out attack, but of course, in this context, Russia is ready for local operations and provocation in some places. Based on the statements given by the Russian side, they want to continue the occupation of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions. These are public statements only. We are also open to the worst-case scenario” said Ambassador Bodnar, evaluating Russia's participation in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum (ADF).

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