Waste container lowered under water in Antalya 

English News 5.06.2022 15:26:51 0
Waste container lowered under water in Antalya 
The step of a project that will be first in Turkey has been taken on June 5, World Environment Day, in Antalya's Kas district. The first of the 8 waste stations was submerged in the scope of  'Do not Stay Indifferent Project' prepared by the Underwater Cleaning and Awareness Movement Association (STH) operating in Kas.

Prepared by STH and aiming to protect the underwater of Kas, the 'Do not Stay Indifferent Project' is being implemented with the support of Kas District Governorship, Kas Municipality, Kas Underwater Association (KASAD) and the members of the association.  With the project, it is aimed to protect the said potential of Kas, one of the capitals of diving tourism in Turkey, with approximately 90 thousand dives carried out every year, and to eliminate the underwater solid waste pollution.

8 waste stations similar to garbage containers will be placed under water within the scope of the project. The first of these stations was submerged in Hidayet Bay, one of Kas' leading diving spots, with a ceremony. Kas District Governor Saban Arda Yazici, Deputy Mayor Muhammet Usta, STH Kas representative Ahmet Arin, Head of Kas Underwater Association Yusuf Sulekoglu, association members and divers attended the ceremony.

The garbage collected at the waste station will be regularly checked by STH. When the water waste station is full, it will be brought to the port and emptied. An inventory of the garbage to be collected by the municipality will be made. A database will be created for each dive point. Solid waste pollution will be actively monitored at every point. Underwater enthusiasts who come to Kas for diving will be informed about the project and waste stations by KASAD member diving trainers. The project is aimed to set an example in Turkey and the world.



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