Melis Gurkaynak: We are proud to return to our country with the cup

English News 23.05.2022 16:58:10 0
Melis Gurkaynak: We are proud to return to our country with the cup
VakifBank’s captain Melis Gurkaynak said, “VakifBank is a club that has finished such seasons in this way. We've had seasons like this before. But I'm sure this season will be unforgettable for all players.”

Defeating the Italian team Imoco Volley 3-1 in the Women’s CEV Champions League Super Final, VakifBank became the champion. VakifBank’s captain Melis Gurkaynak, who arrived at Istanbul Airport by plane after departing from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, made a statement. Expressing that they are very happy with the championship, Melis Gurkaynak said, “We are very peaceful as we started with the goal of 5 trophies at the beginning of the season and got them. We returned to our country, and we are also proud to be able to bring this cup.”
Underlining that there were many comebacks this year, Gurkaynak told, “In that sense, I think it means a lot to us. VakifBank is a club that has finished such seasons in this way. We've had seasons like this before. But I'm sure this season will be unforgettable for all players. As I said, we've had many comebacks. We made very important comebacks in the Fenerbahce match, in the Champions League, in the Turkish League, and in the Turkish Cup. It has been very meaningful to us.”
Speaking about the names that will leave the team Gurkaynak stated, “Stuff like this happens every season, It is the professional life. We stay friends until the end, but of course, there will be those who leave at the end of the season.”
“Our president announced yesterday, I hope VakifBank will ride high with her. I always say that it is not the players that matter in VakifBank, there is always an organization and system here, every player, every coach joins this wheel and does their best for VakifBank's success” said Melis Gurkaynak about Paola Egonu from Imoco Volley.



 -Details of arrival at the airport


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