Investment company InvestCo Holding goes public

English News 22.02.2022 16:59:45 0
Investment company InvestCo Holding goes public

ISTANBUL () –  InvestCo Holding, the investment company that brings together 22 companies from renewable energy to mining, technology to food, chemistry to the health sector, has announced that it goes public. Within this scope, investors will be able to send requests from all brokerage houses and banks.

InvestCo Holding, which incorporates the leading companies of their sectors, each of which has a say in their field, goes public. Today and tomorrow requests will be collected with the code INVES.HE in the supply to be made in the form of sales from the stock exchange at fixed prices and equal distribution. All investors who want to participate in the public offering of InvestCo Holding will be able to send requests from brokerage houses and banks authorized to trade in Borsa Istanbul (BIST). The company will increase its current paid-in capital of 150 million liras by 37 million 500 thousand liras to 187 million 500 thousand liras. The shares with a nominal amount of 37 million 500 thousand, subject to the capital increase, will be offered for sale at a fixed price of 24 liras. All of the 900 million lira projected public offering income will go into the treasury of the company.

In the written statement published by the company, it was stated that they plan to move 20 percent of their shares to the stock market and the net profit for the year 2021 was 1 billion 678 million liras.

The statement followed as:

 “Equity of our company, which does not have financial debt, is 2 billion 458 million liras. After the public offering, it will increase to 3 billion 353 million liras. Our investments include Verusa Holding, Verusaturk Venture Capital Trust Inc., Pan Technology, ENDA Energy Holding and Investat Holding Limited (London-United Kingdom). These investments include companies operating in renewable energy, mining, chemistry, iron and steel, technology and software, venture capital, food and health sectors. The companies we invest in continue their activities throughout Turkey and market their products and projects in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, North and South America. Our holding, which plans to go public within the framework of the growth targets of the company, will direct all the income it will obtain from the public offering to the strengthening of its investment and financial structure. In this framework, it plans to use 60 percent of it to finance new investments that will create employment in the technology and renewable energy sectors and provide foreign currency inflows. It aims to use the remaining 40 percent of the public offering income as capital to strengthen the financial structures that will form the basis of the growth strategy of the company's existing investments. In this context, the holding aims to make significant investments in technology and software within Pan Technology, which is among its current investments, and to make foreign company partnerships and acquisitions within the body of Investat Holding Limited. It undertakes not to make any savings that will increase the number of shares in circulation for one year after the public offering, except for the bonus issue and dividend distribution.”

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