Head of EU Delegation to Turkey Ambassador Meyer-Landrut visited Hatay

English News 16.05.2022 15:01:28 0
Head of EU Delegation to Turkey Ambassador Meyer-Landrut visited Hatay

Izzet NAZLI- Ferhat DERVISOGLU/ REYHANLI (Hatay), () - Head of the EUROPEAN Union (EU) Delegation to Turkey Ambassador Nikolaus Meyer-Landrut visited the United Nations Aid Loading Center in Hatay's Reyhanli district and was briefed about the activities of the center. “A 6.5 billion euro support promise was again made at the Syria Conference held in the past weeks” said Meyer-Landrut at the press meeting.
Meyer-Landrut came to Hatay for a series of visits. Ambassador Meyer-Landrut and the accompanying delegation visited the United Nations Aid Loading Center in Reyhanli district and received information. Making a statement at the end of the visit, Meyer-Landrut reminded that the 6th Syria Conference was held in Brussels by the European Union, and their support for the ongoing humanitarian aid efforts was emphasized at the meeting.
Meyer-Landrut said, 'However, I would also like to express our support for the work carried out by the special representative of the United Nations in this direction. Unfortunately, due to the attitude of the regime and its international supporters, rapid progress cannot be made on this subject. Up to date, 27 billion Euros have been given to Syria and neighboring countries within the scope of humanitarian aid and other support. A 6.5 billion Euro support promise was again made at the Syria Conference held in the past weeks. More than 4 billion Euros of the 6.5 billion Euro support includes the support from the European Union. Most of this humanitarian support is provided for the operations in Syria, the work in Idlib, and the northwest of Syria. A very large part of this humanitarian aid is transmitted across the border through this center we are in.”
Making a speech during the visit, UN Humanitarian Coordination Office (OCHA) Turkey Country Director Sanjana Quazi stated that many civilians need support on the other side of the border and said:
'These people have faced destruction, suffering, loss, and the bombings that continue every day continue to take the lives of civilians. Over the past year, around 400 trucks crossed the Turkish border into northern Syria, where children, women and the most vulnerable reached millions of Syrians, every month. Last July, members of the Security Council came together as a symbol of unity and drew attention to the suffering of the people who are in distress in northern Syria. From that time to this day, there has been an increase in humanitarian needs now 4.1 million people need the assistance that will be provided, and one million of them are children at risk.'

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