Fan celebrating the championship on the lighting pole: There was a magnificent view

English News 6.05.2022 16:11:57 0
Fan celebrating the championship on the lighting pole: There was a magnificent view
Trabzonspor declared the championship in the 35th week of the Sports Toto Super League. The fans were jubilant about it and celebrations were held in the city square with the participation of 100 thousand fans. Ziya Alemdar (20) climbed up to the lighting pole during celebrations.  Alemdar said, “I didn’t think of anything at that moment. Some people warned me saying, ‘Don’t climb, you may fall’. I had to switch 2 poles because some shook the pole from below.”

Trabzonspor declared the championship after they played against Fraport TAV Antalyaspor and fans got jubilant. After the match, the images of the vigorous celebration of 100 thousand people that gathered in the city square were echoed around the world. The images of the fans, who climbed up the meters high lighting pole despite the danger and shared the fun during the celebrations, attracted great attention on social media.


Ziya Alemdar, one of the fans who climbed to the pole, said that he was proud to have taken part in Trabzonspor’s championship celebrations. Stating that he is about the do his compulsory military service, Alemdar said, “I experienced the championship before my military service. I’m proud of this. The videos also had a great impact. I didn't think something like this would happen. It was a privilege to take such a beautiful place in Trabzonspor's celebrations. It is a very nice feeling.”


Saying that he traveled from another city to Trabzon to take part in the celebrations in the city, Alemdar stated many fans who got over-excited during the celebrations shook the pole he was on. Expressing that Because of that he had to switch 2 poles Alemdar told, “I went to the stadium but the tickets were sold out. Since I could not enter the stadium, I wanted to go to the square and watch the match on the giant screen. I couldn't watch the match because of the crowd. With the excitement and stress at that moment, I thought ‘I should climb up a pole’ and I did that. I didn’t think of anything at that moment. Some people warned me saying, ‘Don’t climb, you may fall’. I didn’t care. I didn't think about falling or getting electrocuted. I had to switch 2 poles because some shook the pole from below. I have not had any trouble climbing up the pole. When I was up there I felt everyone's excitement as if I was experiencing it myself. It was so crowded, it was magnificent.”




-Alemdar is on the pole during celebrations
-Celebrations and the crowd



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