Environmental monument built in memory of ‘Captain June, Mother of Carettas’

English News 5.06.2022 16:52:01 0
Environmental monument built in memory of ‘Captain June, Mother of Carettas’
The 'Captain June Monument', which was built in memory of the British environmentalist June Haimoff, who was known as the 'mother of the Caretta Caretta's due to her efforts for the protection of sea turtles, and died at the age of 100 on April 23, was introduced in Mugla.

The environmental monument built in memory of June Haimoff, who came to Dalyan, Mugla with his boat in July 1975, settled in 1984, and worked for the promotion of the town and the protection of Caretta Caretta and died on April 23, was introduced to the members of the press within the scope of 5 June World Environment Day. Mugla Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Provincial Director Omur Ozdil, Mayor of Ortaca Alim Uzundemir, sculptor Inayet Turkoglu, and Captain June Foundation officials attended the promotion of the 'Captain June Monument', which was completed to be placed in the Kaunos Tea Garden, which is under construction in the Dalyan District.

Speaking at the ceremony Ozdil said, “We are here for Captain June, who died on April 23. This week is the environment week and events are held simultaneously in 81 provinces. We are here to commemorate Captain June, as well as many events, due to June 5, World Environment Day. As the Ministry, we took action immediately after her death. We worked with very valuable sculptor Inayet Turkoglu on the monument built in memory of Captain June with the contributions of Ortaca Municipality.”


Stating that after the location of the monument to be placed in the Kaunos Tea Garden, which is under construction, is determined, a comprehensive ceremony will be held for the opening, Uzundemir said, “Captain June is an English who contributed greatly to Dalyan's promotion. It is very nice that she wanted to protect a place on Turkish soil like Dalyan. It is admirable that the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change made such a monument to immortalize Captain June.”

Emphasizing that the monument is made of a material that can last between 30 and 50 years, sculptor Turkoglu said, “In terms of being permanent, it is thought to be made of bronze material by the ministry later. I think it would suit 'Captain June' too. This monument will become even more immortal with the bronze material.”


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