Adopted stray dog 'Helly' is in the USA

English News 6.06.2022 11:34:32 0
Adopted stray dog
In Sinop, Kubra Baykal (30), who is a teacher, saw an exhausted stray puppy on the road and after its treatment, she send the puppy to Istanbul through her veterinarian friend Sunduz Arpaci. The dog named ‘Helly’ was placed in an animal hostel. Later, Helly was adopted by an American tourist and was taken to New York.

Kubra Baykal, who works as a teacher in the Sarayduzu district, encountered an exhausted stray puppy ​​while she was walking on the street. Baykal took the puppy to a veterinarian and had it treated. Baykal took care of the dog which she named ‘Helly’ for 4 months. Then she left Helly to her veterinarian friend Sunduz Arpaci so that the dog’s care would not be interrupted due to her trips out of province. Helly stayed at the clinic for a while then it was sent to an animal hostel in Istanbul to be adopted later. A young tourist from the USA, who came to Turkey for a holiday, saw Helly in the hostel he visited and adopted it. Later, Helly was taken to New York by its new owner after the necessary procedures were done.


Stating that she wanted to rehome Helly due to her trips out of province Kubra Baykal said, “I voluntarily feed stray animals in our district and take care of them. While I was walking on the street, I saw a stray puppy on the side of the road. It needed help. Firstly, I fed it, then I realized that it was sick and took it to the vet in the district. I adopted it after the treatment. I named it ‘Helly’. I couldn't find a place to leave 'Helly' because I regularly went to Samsun. I talked to my veterinarian friend Sunduz Arpaci and he said that he could take care of Helly. Then we thought the dog needed to be adopted. Our vet said that we could send Helly to the animal hostel in Istanbul, so I agreed and sent Helly to the hostel. While Helly was at the hostel, a young man who came to Istanbul from America saw the dog and wanted to adopt it. After the necessary procedures were done in the hostel, Helly was adopted by him. Helly is taken care of well. I hope Helly is happy in its new home.”


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